Register Your Child
Students are assigned to Moore Street School via a tribunal hearing for disciplinary reasons or principal referral via behavioral or academic waiver with parental consent. Upon referral to Moore Street School by waiver, the Central Office must be properly notified by the principal of the home school that a student is being recommended for MSS placement. Once a student has been referred to MSS, the parents of the students must call and schedule an appointment with the MSS principal for a conference. This conference will explain to both the student and the parent(s) the program, the student handbook, and expectations for the student. Students may NOT enroll in the MSS without this notification process.
Students referred to Moore Street School must remain at Moore Street School as specified/stipulated by the Disciplinary Tribunal or by the conditions as stated in their Waiver. The length of time the student must remain at Moore Street School is set by the Tribunal or by the home school principal who signs the Waiver. Students are expected to serve out their term unless recommended for early readmission to their Home School by unanimous agreement of the Moore Street School Principal, MSS teachers, and the Home School Principal. Any senior or student that enrolls in Moore Street who is part of this years’ cohort will graduate from Moore Street.
To register, a student must report to Central Registration:
- A copy of school records
- A withdrawal form from the last school attended (if withdrawn)
- Health certificate-immunization record, eye, ear, and dental screening record;
- A signed contract: If under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must co-sign the school’s contract with the student.
- Program of Study/Individualized educational plan.
All students transferring must apply and participate in an intake meeting with the Principal prior to entry to Moore Street School (MSS).
Enrollment is based on the following placement priorities:
- Tribunal/Return from Dept. of Juvenile Justice
- Waiver (either academic or behavioral)
- Dropout Recovery (Attendance)
- Parent/Guardian requests a smaller environment
If MSS is at full capacity, students will be placed on a waiting list until a slot becomes available.